Last time I learned a new Thing?

Sabrine Nomane
4 min readJul 7, 2021

Hi everyone, I miss writing and sharing with you what I live and what I feel…
The topic today is: “When was the last time trying something new?” But I begin my blog by when was the first one.

Because I’m so busy those days… I’m going through a new experience: learning to code and being a full-Stack developer. And that experience makes my life more and more busy and crowded. All my friends try to understand why am I learning new things especially I have a job and I find my path in this life, so it’s not logical to them
Yes, I have this addiction to try new things. Learn continuously new skills and lead new fields… but Why? …This is why :

Two main events make my mind change and make me whatever I’m busy; I never stop finding time to try and discover new things.
The first event that happened was the death of my father; it was so hard to lose him but related to this topic, this event makes me face life alone without the father’s bond. So at a young age, I found myself obliged to do everything for my family instead of my father by myself…
The second event was the first job I got as an engineer. I found myself as a leader in the Dairy industry. I wound up in a high position as liable for more than 200 employees. So, I must be just about as high as this position.
The year 2016, was a very important year to me, during which I was born again with a completely new way of thinking and a new vision to life with a primordial principle which is: How to make it a habit of trying new things.

Because, when life obliged me to face it alone, I was obliged to learn new skills to be able to deal with my new daily challenges. But the surprise was that in few years I become a very different person in a good way. I lived a very busy life full of adventures which brings me success and helps me to become a better version of myself so that improve my self-confidence. I become more connected to people and have good relationships which expand my knowledge horizon.

All the quality of my life was developed creatively and innovatively because as much as I learn new things as much I get intellectually stimulated to move forward with new goals and ambitions … and have the courage to take myself through various experiences good or bad, never mind the important thing I try it.

In 2019, trying new things becomes organized and planed. Since this year, I have planned to start a new skill and make myself good in that field.
the result was positive and I am proud of it but more proud by having the power, the courage, and the willingness to do it.
In 2019, I started learning pastry, as a hobby, but the result was a successful project. At the end of this year, I planned to start a new thing next year. So in 2020, I started learning agriculture field, it was a surprise decision for my family and friends.
But I went through it and the result was my second project. I took care of my father’s farm and it becomes a real project half of its returns go to charity for my father.
For 2021, it seems that I choose a more serious decision, I decided to start coding and become a full-Stack developer. I am still struggling here, It’s not easy at all but the only thing I care about if I like it or not… And my answer is a big “YES”; I love coding and whatever will happen, I’m working hard to make it completed.

From 8th February till now I already can create a full-Stack MERN application… I like that…But the important thing is that I met and had so many dear friends and lovely hackers in residence.
One more thing, I tried to begin this activity of blogging and writing to you my dear readers in English … that is amazing … love you guys … see you so soon.

